The KBike is designed by Kent Maerz in Canada. He is a fellow driver and has driven pony teams all the
way up through draft horse teams. When he downsized to a Shetland pony he wanted a vehicle his pony
would enjoy as much as he would. Something sturdy enough to bomb around the mountains and
balanced enough that hitching and driving was a breeze ... enter the KBike!!
The KBike is designed for minis from 28" tall up to ponies 46" tall.
This bike will also fit those in between ponies, 39 -42". This size pony can be very hard to find carts for.
They aren't minis and they aren't quite what some may consider ponies. They can be known as the
"inbetweeners." Because of the customization available with the KBike, we can dial in the fit - balancing
is a non-issue.
The KBike weighs 55 pounds with the boat seat and the large wheels. It is built a little beefier to
withstand some vigorous driving over varied and difficult terrain and works great for the larger ponies.